
On-the-Job Training (OJT)

A great alternative to a traditional practical course

Practical options for aircraft type training

OJT is a program for aircraft engineers that supports the practical type course requirements for achieving a rating. OJT programs can be completed on-the -job as an alternative to a traditional practical course.
If you have any questions, please contact us.

CASA Approved Part 147 OJT Programs 

Queensland Aerospace College (QAC), specialises in CASA Approved Part 147 advanced aircraft maintenance engineer type training, including OJT, on an impressive range of aircraft types.
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CASA Approved Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Training

OJT programs are designed for aircraft engineers and support the practical type course requirements for achieving a rating. OJT programs can be completed in the workplace and are a great alternative to a traditional practical course, offering aircraft engineers flexibility and freedom to complete training during regular working hours.

Extensive range of aircraft covered

QAC’s OJT Programs are CASA approved, are available for aircraft engineers globally and cover a growing range of aircraft. Explore our range of OJT programs via the link below.

Explore our range of OJT programs via the our dedicated OJT Website

Popular Programs

OJT – The Perfect Choice

On the Job Training (OJT) is the aircraft maintenance experience gained by an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (AME) in their workplace. The objective of OJT is to gain the required competence and experience in performing safe maintenance.
OJT is a convenient alternative for anyone who does not have the time or opportunity to take leave from work to complete a traditional practical course.

When is OJT right for you?

First License

Unlicensed engineers seeking their first licence.

Substitute for POC or PCT

Engineers seeking to achieve the practical requirements in lieu of completing the POC or PCT.

Additional Category

Experienced maintenance engineers seeking first licence rating in another category.

Additional Rating

Experienced maintenance engineers seeking an additional rating in a category currently held.

Removal of Exclusions

Experienced maintenance engineers seeking additional licence privileges, or removal of exclusions (restrictions) from their licence.

OJT Approvals

QAC is backed by approvals from Australia’s foremost authorities on civilian aviation safety, the Australian Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA).

Part 147
Training Organisation

OJT Programs are offered across a growing range of aircraft

Contact our training team at [email protected] if you have questions about our OJT Program offering.


QAC On-the-Job-Training (OJT) provides Aircraft maintenance experience gained by an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer in their place of work.

QAC OJT is a Division of Queensland Aerospace Pty Ltd.

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